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University and industry

Something that distinguishes Linköping's unique innovation culture is the close collaboration between the university and the local business community. In fact, many world-leading innovations from Linköping have their origins in research conducted at Linköping University and new synergies are constantly created.

Linköping University (LiU) has a long tradition of working closely with the business community, both locally and internationally, ever since the founding of the University in the 1970s. LiU is constantly looking for new, fruitful collaborations searching to find solutions to current problems and challenges. It is a unique approach which is strongly contributing to the great number of research ecosystems that exist here.

For instance, LiU is the host university for the Wallenberg AI Autonomous Systems and Software Program (WASP), a program working with autonomous systems and software development. WASP is Sweden's single largest research program estimating a total of SEK 1.8 billion over eleven years. Another example is the Biogas Research Centre, which is a national competence centre administered from LiU.

Business and university in symbiosis

You could say that LiU and the business community co-exist in symbiosis. A mutualistic bond is created where local businesses benefit from university expertise, while the university's development is more or less influenced by the surrounding business community and their needs. This creates conditions for sustainable growth. Many of the region's most successful companies originated from Linköping University and have since become world leaders in their fields, and LiU is often ranked as one of the top universities in the world. The definition of a virtuous cycle is that good actions lead to good results, which lead to more good actions. We think that principle is at work in Linköping.

LiU works to establish new arenas for collaboration, and currently has a number of networks and recurring seminars where local entrepreneurs may acquire valuable knowledge and expand their professional network. Several times a year, recruitment fairs are arranged where you can get in touch with the university's talented students – for employment, internships, student projects or thesis work.

For more information about how your company may collaborate with LiU, visit the LiU website.

Student assignments

As a part of their studies at Linköping University, students conduct assignments linked to business and society. From the website Studentuppdrag.se, you can get involved with this aspect of Linköping University. By inviting the knowledge of students, your business can get fresh eyes on a project or problem you are working on and at the same time, get a chance to connect and get to know the workforce of tomorrow. The students in turn get valuable experience and a professional network.

InGenious East Sweden (IES)

In collaboration with the international development platform InGenious and ECIU (European Consortium of Innovative Universities), Linköping University runs a unique interdisciplinary project course. InGenious connects students at Linköping University with the business community in various projects where they get to work "for real" – and receive university credits for it.