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A sustainable city

The City of Linköping strives to be a leader in climate change solutions. Thanks to our high ambitions, we have reduced our net CO2 emissions by 35 percent per resident between 2009-2020. During the same period, the total population increased by approximately 20,000 people, while we also increased our production of renewable, resource-efficient electricity.

Having started pursuing environmental issues very early on, we were actually the first Swedish city with the lofty goal of becoming carbon neutral as early as 2025 – a decision that was made already in 2011. We will not quite reach this ambitious goal, but since we set such a high bar from an early stage, we have made tremendous progress and are better positioned to continue our climate work. Now we're shifting gears with the long-term goal of net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045, which includes all greenhouse gasses.

Since 2021, the City of Linköping has been part of the national initiative Climate Neutral Cities 2030 – Viable Cities. By participating in Climate Neutral Cities 2030 – Viable Cities, Linköping is teaming up with 22 other cities in Sweden to create the climate-neutral cities of the future with a good quality of life for residents, while respecting the planet’s limits.

We are certified as a Fairtrade city, and it may come as no surprise that we also stand behind Agenda 2030 and the UN’s global goals. At present we are focusing on, among other things, non-toxic environments, climate adaptation, and waste management. Another typical goal for Linköping is constantly improving the conditions for cycling, walking and public transport – something that always has a high priority in our urban planning.

The Linköping Initiative

Trade and industry accounts for a large part of the carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere, but – and here’s the good part – our businesses are also behind many of the solutions to the problem. This is why not only our municipal companies, but the whole business community, plays such an important role.

Linköpingsinitiativet (The Linköping Initiative), is a network consisting of some of our most energy-intensive companies. Each member sign an agreement which binds the organisation to clearly defined energy and climate goals, with timeframes, and they carry out activities to achieve these goals. Members are also required to annually measure and follow up on these goals, and to participate in the network's activities and meetings.

Members in the Linköping Initiative

Members during the current project period 2022 - 2025:

Arla Foods, Cloetta, Ericsson, Hjulsbro Steel, HKScan, Ica Fastigheter, Intea Garnisonen AB, Lejonfastigheter, Lundbergs Fastigheter, Region Östergötland, Riksbyggen, Saab, Sankt Kors, Stångåstaden, Tekniska verken, Victoriahem, Willhem Linköping and Linköping municipality who also coordinates and leads the network.

The world's most resource-efficient region

Tekniska Verken is a municipally-owned company specializing in providing various essential services such as energy, water, waste management, and district heating. In Linköping Tekniska verken has developed one of the world's most resource-efficient energy systems. This system relies on resources that would otherwise be lost, thus turning waste into an asset.

Maximum efficiency must be the guiding principle in our use of resources so that as little as possible goes to waste. The ultimate goal is zero waste, where “waste” is actually seen as a commodity in a circular economy designed to keep products, components and materials in circulation, thus creating the highest possible value. We strive to try to use waste as efficiently as possible and move up the waste hierarchy to prevent waste in the first place.

In terms of output, Linköping is in second place in the national solar statistics. Tekniska verken’s work to help Linköping become the world's most resource-efficient region is critical for the city's transition to a greener future, and the Linköping Initiative and Climate Neutral Linköping 2030 are great examples of Linköping’s effort to gather forces and seek out collaborations to implement smart climate solutions. Add to that the transition and development in the business world through the support and initiatives offered through Linköping Science Park.