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Linköping office increasingly important to Väderstad Group

The Väderstad Group is one of the world's leading companies in tillage, sowing and precision seeding with approximately 2,000 employees and a new record turnover of SEK 5.5 billion per year. The...

Victor steps in as CEO after LEAD's trainee programme

Thanks to LEAD's unique trainee programme – for people who are passionate about entrepreneurship, but have no business idea of their own – Victor Borén was selected as the new CEO of the innovative...

Tommy's new favourite city

Transplant Tommy Andersson fell in love with his new city during his five years of engineering studies at Linköping University. Therefore, it was only natural for him to return after a brief work...

SeaPattern's ground-breaking innovation opens the door to green electricity

The demand for electricity in Sweden could double by the year 2035, and SeaPattern offers a solution that increases access to sustainable, green energy. Their AI software, combined with submerged...

Nathalie’s pitch brings home dual prizes for PLT

Polar Light Technologies, which is based on research from Linköping University, brought home both prizes at the DI Impact Summit Pitch in May. The company's revolutionary microLED technology, the...

NIRA Dynamics and the City of Linköping work together for smarter road maintenance

NIRA Dynamics and the City of Linköping are currently engaged in an exciting project that relies on ground-breaking innovations in a dynamic collaboration between the business sector and the public...

So many new things to discover in Gamla Linköping

LasseMaja's Deckarhus (detective house) has opened its doors and attracted families with children from all over Sweden to Gamla Linköping. “Once you arrive, you will discover there is so much more ...

MIMSI revolutionizes thin films

MIMSI Materials has developed a breakthrough innovation in the field of transparent, electrically conductive thin films based on silver alloys, which play an important role in a lot of the products...

Markus converts classic cars to electric cars

Markus Sörlin, who runs the family business Sir M, has 30 years of experience restoring and customizing classic cars. He is now fully invested in his latest idea based on a smart and sustainable...

Ludwig Göransson and Ghost – two of Linköping's musical superstars

Linköping has generated a host of musical artists, including the likes of Lasse Winnerbäck and Louise Hoffsten. Among the hottest international music exports from the city is Oscar-winning composer...