Hoppa till huvudinnehåll
Family law - Paternity and parenthood matters

We are not able to receive spontaneous visits. You can contact us by phone or e-mail.

Till e-postformulär för Familjerätten - Faderskapsfrågor(engelskt)

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013-20 61 72
Telefontid: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10.00-11.00.

Besöksadress: Barnhemsgatan 2 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Barnhemsgatan 2

Postadress: Socialförvaltningen
Box 356
581 03 Linköping

Webbadress: http://www.linkoping.se/faderskap http://www.linkoping.se/faderskap

The closest parking facility is in the Akilles parking structure. There are two parking spaces just outside our reception for those who have limited mobility/are disabled and have special parking permission.