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Reception centre for domestic violence and men´s centre

In addition to our phone call, you can call us 24 hours a day and speak to our answering machine how you want us to contact you. We listen to the answering machine on weekdays.

Till e-postformulär för Reception centre for domestic violence and men´s centre

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013- 20 52 10
Telefontid: Tuesday 8.15-9.00 AM

Besöksadress: Ågatan 31 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Ågatan 31

Linköpings kommun
Våld i nära relationer

Webbadress: http://www.linkoping.se/vnr http://www.linkoping.se/vnr

Coordinator can be reached by phone 013-20 72 12
Responsible Manager Christina Eklöf:
Phone: 013-26 31 11