Hoppa till huvudinnehåll

Information about accomodation

On Linköping municipality's website and at the citizens advice bureau you can find information about municipal and private housing companies that let apartments.

You can also find information aimed at students and seniors.
On the website there is also information about guidance and support on matters relating to housing.

Are you looking for rented accommodation?

The housing companies are responsible for information about available apartments and their own housing queues. There is no municipal housing authority in Linköping. Instead the municipality, in consultation with property owners, have compiled a list of the landlords that would like to be included on our information page. The list is available at the citizens advice bureau. You can pick up a copy of it there. It is also available on the municipality's website linkoping.se. Information about landlords:

 Are you a student looking for accommodation?

Linköping is a university town and there is considerable demand for student accommodation. We have compiled information on where to look for accommodation if you are a student.
Studentbostäder in Linköping AB have the largest selection of student apartments. You can find more information about how you apply for an apartment and in what residential area they are located on their website.

  • ByggVesta have a large number of student apartments directly adjacent to the university.
  • KOMBO is the student union's own accommodation agency at the university.
  • Bo Tillsammans, is a website where you can find and offer rooms, communal living or room-mates.
  • Botrygg Bygg AB have apartments with special student offers.

Senior housing or assisted living facilities?

Many property companies have senior housing or assisted living facilities for people that can no longer live in regular housing.
Senior housing are apartments that are specially adapted for the elderly. Senior housing is not the same as sheltered housing or assisted living accommodation. You must be at least 55 years of age to join the queue for senior housing. An assisted living facility is housing that provides extra security and community for people that are 70 years of age or older.

If you need support or have other questions contact the guide for the elderly, phone 013-206401

Do you want to apply for housing benefit or housing allowance?

You can receive housing benefit if you are a parent. You can also receive housing benefit if you do not have children, but are between 18 and 28 years of age, or if you are a conscript. You apply for housing benefit from Försäkringskassan (the Swedish Social Insurance Agency). Försäkringskassan assess whether you are eligible for housing benefit. The factors determining whether you receive housing benefit include the number of people in your family, how much money you earn and how much you pay for housing. Contact Försäkringskassan for more information.
If you are a pensioner you may be entitled to housing allowance. Contact Pensionsmyndigheten (the Swedish Pension Agency).

Om Boende (About housing)

OmBoende.se is a website for people that want fast and accurate information about a variety of housing issues.
The information on the website comes from Boverket (the National Board of Housing) and Konsumentverket (the Swedish Consumer Agency) and is tailored towards you and your housing situation.

Vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen
Box 356
581 03 Linköping

Webbadress: http://www.linkoping.se/aldreombudsman http://www.linkoping.se/aldreombudsman

Last updated 26 April 2018 15:26