Hoppa till huvudinnehåll


If you have a disability, the municipality can offer you various forms of support and service based on your needs. Support is also available for people with a temporary disability and for family carers.

There are laws that entitle you to support and service. These include the Social Services Act (socialtjänstlagen, abbreviated SoL) and the Act on support and services to persons with certain disabilities (lagen om stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade, abbreviated LSS). LSS regulates support to people with considerable and permanent disabilities. Decisions in these matters are always preceded by a needs assessment.

Applying for support and service

To make an application, contact the Social services administration. If you are in the target group for the LSS act you can request assistance under that act. When you have made your application you will meet with an administrator. The two of you will discuss your needs and circumstances, and you will be asked to provide a medical certificate and a disability assessment, if any, as a basis for the application. First an assessment will be made of whether you belong to the LSS target group, and then your need of the assistance you have applied for will be assessed.

LSS applies to the following categories of disabled persons:

  1. Persons with mental disabilities, autism or an autism-like condition
  2. Persons with considerable and permanent intellectual disabilities following a brain injury sustained as an adult and caused by the infliction of violence or by physical illness, or
  3. Persons with other permanent physical or mental disabilities evidently not due to normal aging, if these are considerable and cause significant difficulties in daily life, and therefore a comprehensive need of support or service.

The administrator will examine your case and make a decision. You will receive a copy of the examination along with the decision reached. If your application is turned down you can appeal the decision to the administrative court. Information on how to appeal will be provided with the decision. The administrator who made the decision can help you appeal.

Assistance under SoL

If you are under 65 years old and have a disability you can apply for the following forms of assistance:

  • Care at home services (personal care)
  • House service
  • Housing support
  • Special accommodation
  • Contact person
  • Daytime activities
  • Temporary accommodation

Assistance under LSS

The following forms of assistance can be requested under LSS:

  • Counselling and other personal support (applications for support need to be made via the Rehabilitation services)
  • Personal assistance
  • Escort service for the disabled
  • Assistance by a contact person
  • Relief care service at home
  • Short stay away from home
  • Short term supervision of schoolchildren over 12 years of age away from home before and after school and during holidays
  • Accommodation in family homes or housing for children or young people who need to live away from home
  • Housing for adults
  • Daily activities for persons of working age who are not in work and not in training 

Preliminary notice

If you intend to move to Linköping municipality you can apply for preliminary notice of what forms of assistance you can be granted in Linköping, before you move there. Such an application will be handled in the same way as it would if you were already resident in Linköping municipality. Contact If you have any questions about what help is available, contact the Social services administration. They can provide further information and guidance.

Reception for children and young people (0-20 years old)

We are not able to receive spontaneous visits. You can contact us by phone or e-mail.

Till e-postformulär för Social services administration

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013-20 61 88
Telefontid: Weekdays 9.00–11.30, 13.00–16.00
For questions regarding LSS the telephone hours are Tuesdays from 9.00-11.30 and Thursdays from 13.00-16.00

Besöksadress: Barnhemsgatan 2 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Barnhemsgatan 2

Postadress: Socialförvaltningen
Box 356
581 03 Linköping

The closest parking facility is in the Akilles parking structure. There are two parking spaces just outside our reception for those who have limited mobility/are disabled and have special parking permission.

Reception for adults

We are not able to receive spontaneous visits. You can contact us by phone or e-mail.

Till e-postformulär för Social services administration

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013-20 69 00
Telefontid: Social problems, addiction, disability, LSS: Weekdays from 9.00-11.30
Violence in close relationships: Weekdays from 9.00-11.30 and from 13.00-16.00.

Besöksadress: Barnhemsgatan 2 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Barnhemsgatan 2

Box 356
581 03 Linköping

The closest parking facility is in the Akilles parking structure. There are two parking spaces just outside our reception for those who have limited mobility/are disabled and have special parking permission.

Last updated 21 June 2023 08:37