Hoppa till huvudinnehåll

Duty of notification about children coming to harm

The ultimate responsibility for children and young people who risk coming to harm lies with the social services.

For that reason staff at other authorities and institutions such as school and the health service are obliged, under Chapter 14, Section 1 of SoL, to notify and provide information to the Social services administration if, in the course of their professional practice, they come into contact with children who in their assessment may need special support or protection.

General public

Additionally, the general public is urged to get in touch with the Social services administration if they believe that a child may be in need of help. These provisions are an expression of the special care for children and young people that exists in Swedish legislation.

How a child welfare inquiry is carried out

An inquiry consists mainly of consultations between the staff, the child and the parents at the Social services administration. These consultations can take place with all those concerned present, but often the administrator carrying out the inquiry will also speak in private with each of those concerned.

It is often possible already during the initial contact to agree on what support is needed. The Social services administration always tries, to the greatest extent possible, to carry out its inquiry in close cooperation with the child and the family.

In order to get an overall picture of the situation it is often also necessary to contact others in the child’s immediate surroundings such as the child health care centre, preschool and school. These contacts are usually made with the agreement of those involved, but may also be made even if the guardian does not agree. 

Within four months

An inquiry must be completed within four months unless there are special reasons for extending the inquiry period. How the inquiry will be carried out is discussed with the family, and the family can also suggest individuals who may be able to contribute important information to the inquiry.

At the end of the inquiry the Social services administration makes an assessment and reaches a decision as to whether the child and the family are going to receive help, and if so what kind of help, through the social services.

Once the inquiry is complete the Social services administration is obliged to share the inquiry with the guardian, and with the child if s/he has turned 15 years of age, and they must also be given the opportunity to express their opinion in the matter and to have it noted.

The person who is affected by the decision (the child’s guardian and the child, provided s/he has turned 15) must also receive a written decision in which the Social services administration’s justification for the decision is explained.

Who carries out the inquiries?

The responsibility for the social services’ exercise of public authority (the Social services administration) in Linköping municipality lies with the politicially appointed social welfare committee. The committee is charged with guaranteeing that people who live and reside in the municipality receive the care and nursing they are entitled to.

Inquiries in accordance with BBIC

All inquiries in Linköping are carried out in accordance with BBIC, which stands for Barns Behov I Centrum (children’s needs at heart) and is a system for inquiries, planning and follow-ups regarding children in social care for children and young people.

The purpose of BBIC is to strengthen the child’s position, increase cooperation with the child and his/her network, as well as to guarantee a systematic approach and legal certainty. The goal is to be able to give children and young people who are subject to interventions by the social services the same opportunities in life as other children in society.


The Social services administration Visiting address: Barnhemsgatan 2 Telephone: 013-20 61 88

Postal address: Linköping municipality Social services administration 581 03 Linköping

Emergency: For emergency notifications outside of office hours, contact the emergency helpline. The emergency helpline can be reached by calling 013-20 75 26, or in critical situations contact SOS Alarm by calling 112.


Reception for children and young people (0-20 years old)

We are not able to receive spontaneous visits. You can contact us by phone or e-mail.

Till e-postformulär för Social services administration

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013-20 61 88
Telefontid: Weekdays 9.00–11.30, 13.00–16.00
For questions regarding LSS the telephone hours are Tuesdays from 9.00-11.30 and Thursdays from 13.00-16.00

Besöksadress: Barnhemsgatan 2 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Barnhemsgatan 2

Postadress: Socialförvaltningen
Box 356
581 03 Linköping

The closest parking facility is in the Akilles parking structure. There are two parking spaces just outside our reception for those who have limited mobility/are disabled and have special parking permission.

Violence in close relationships

In addition to our telephone hours, you can call us 24 hours a day and leave a message on our answering machine explaining how you would like us to contact you.  We listen to recorded messages on our answering machine during daytime hours on weekdays.

Till e-postformulär för Våld i nära relationer Barn- och ungdomsverksamhet(engelsk)

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013- 20 52 10
Telefontid: Tuesday 8.15-9.00 AM

Besöksadress: Ågatan 31 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Ågatan 31

Linköpings kommun
Socialförvaltningen, Råd & Stöd
Våld i nära relationer Barn- och ungdomsverksamhet

Webbadress: http://www.linkoping.se/vnr http://www.linkoping.se/vnr

Coordinators can be reached by phone: 013-20 72 12
Responsible Manager: Christina Eklöf
Phone: 013-26 31 11

Reception centre for domestic violence and men´s centre

In addition to our phone call, you can call us 24 hours a day and speak to our answering machine how you want us to contact you. We listen to the answering machine on weekdays.

Till e-postformulär för Reception centre for domestic violence and men´s centre

E-post: [email protected]

Telefon: 013- 20 52 10
Telefontid: Tuesday 8.15-9.00 AM

Besöksadress: Ågatan 31 (se karta)

Besöksadress : Ågatan 31

Linköpings kommun
Socialförvaltningen, Råd & Stöd
Våld i nära relationer

Webbadress: http://www.linkoping.se/vnr http://www.linkoping.se/vnr

Coordinator can be reached by phone 013-20 72 12
Responsible Manager Christina Eklöf:
Phone: 013-26 31 11

Last updated 22 December 2021 15:14