Elderly care
Elderly care encompasses several different forms of support, such as health and social care both for the elderly in need of care, and support for the spouse/relative who cares for the elderly.
Home Care Services in Linköping
Home Care services in Linköping municipality consist of cleaning, washing up, laundering, shopping, personal care, a personal alarm and lunch delivery. Care at home is provided principally in the recipient’s own home or in sheltered housing (biståndsbedömt trygghetsboende).
As of 1st of May 2023, we offer an area based home health and social care services model in Linköping. This means that one provider has the overall responsibility for home care services, home health care, home rehabilitation services, and sheltered housing, in your local area. Your provider of services depends on where you live in Linköping.
Personal care
Personal care includes services for helping manage your daily life, e g dressing and undressing, personal hygiene, toilet visits, breakfast, lunch and the evening meal. This help can be given on one or several occasions during the day and/or night.
Personal alarm
With a personal alarm you can contact home care services in emergency situations at any time during the day or night. Providers have to respond to alarms within 20 minutes if you live in a densely populated area, and in 40 minutes if you live outside a densely populated area.
Cleaning, laundering, shopping and lunch delivery
Home care services also include tasks cleaning, laundering and shopping – known as “Accomodation Service” – as well as lunch delivery.
You apply for home care services through the Local Authority Social Services Department (Vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen). If you need further guidance, you may contact “Kontakt Linköping”.
The cleaning is carried out every two weeks and includes the cleaning of two rooms and the kitchen. For cohabitants where both are in need of cleaning, you can get help cleaning three rooms and the kitchen. You can receive up to 6 hours of total support per household.
To get help with these services, you contact the home care provider responsible for the area where you live. If you do not know which area you belong to, you may contact Kontakt Linköping.
Housing for elderly people
Special housing is available for people who are unable to remain in their own homes. This includes sheltered accommodation and residential care homes.
Sheltered housing
There are sheltered housing facilities (biståndsbedömt trygghetsboende) at 26 locations where the Local Authority are responsible for blocks of sheltered housing flats. Lunch restaurants and leisure facilities are available. Help for residents in sheltered housing is provided by the home care services. Healthcare is provided at the local health centres, or carried out by a healthcare professional in the home if a doctor or nurse at the healthcare centre has concluded that you are in need of this.
If you are interested in applying for a flat in sheltered housing, you have to make an application. A social worker will undertake an assessment of your needs and make a decision whether you are eligible for sheltered housing.
Residential Care Home
Residential Care Homes consist of small flats with an area of around 35 square metres. Residents have their own tenancy for the flat, which has its own wet room and toilet, and usually a washing machine and laundry drying facilities. There is also a kitchenette. There are communal facilities for meals and social activities in close proximity. Staff are available 24/7. The flat is equipped with a personal alarm. Residential Care Homes are adapted for specific needs:
- Residential Care Homes for people with dementia if you are diagnosed with Dementia.
- Residential Care Homes can also be adapted to persons who need a lot of supervision, help and extensive medical attention.
You apply for Sheltered housing or Residential Care through the Local Authority Social Services Department (Socialförvaltningen). If you need further guidance, you may contact Contact Linköping.
The Local Authority is entitled to charge a fee for elderly care. The amount is determined on the basis of your financial circumstances. There is a statutory maximum fee.
Support to family carers
The Local Authority provides various types of support to people caring for their spouse/relative. These include Anhörigcenter, the family carer centre, a facility for family members who are carers of another family member. Here family carers can have a cup of tea/coffee, a chat, rest, meet others in the same situation and participate in activities.
If you require any further information about elderly care, you can always contact “Kontakt Linköping”.
Till e-postformulär för Contact Linköping
E-post: [email protected]
013–20 60 00
monday-friday 07.30-17.00 (June-August 07.30-16.00)
Besöksadress: Östgötagatan 5 (se karta) Öppettider: monday-friday 10.00-17.00 (June-August 10.00-16.00)
Besöksadress : Östgötagatan 5 Öppettider: monday-friday 10.00-17.00 (June-August 10.00-16.00)
Kontakt Linköping
581 81 Linköping
Till e-postformulär för Ombudsman for the elderly
E-post: [email protected]
013-20 66 60
Vård- och omsorgsförvaltningen
Box 356
581 03 Linköping
Webbadress: http://www.linkoping.se/aldreombudsman http://www.linkoping.se/aldreombudsman